We make Foundation Models work for your business.

Create magical experiences by integrating tailor-made AI capabilities.

Easily Embed GenAI In Your Products

Desscribe your use case. Give some examples. Let us do the rest.

1Define Your Use Case

Clearly outline the specific scenarios and challenges where you want to leverage general intelligence.

2Provide Product Examples

Share real-world product examples to help us tailor the general intelligence to your unique business needs.

3Let Us Take Over

Sit back and relax as our service generates an API endpoint that reliably solves your use-case.

GenAI, Attuned To Your Business

We will generate Foundational Model APIs for you that are reliable and high performance.

Specific General Intelligence

Fine-tuned foundation model powered AI that works for your business use-cases.

Your Domain Expertise Meets AI

Seamless integration of your product expertise into the the best AI models.

Reliable, Performant, Customized AI- without expensive AI Teams

High performance, reliable APIs built only for your use case and you at a fraction of cost.


You might have these questions.

What are foundation models and how can they benefit my business?

Foundation Model is AI that mimics human intelligence encompassing reasoning, learning and decision making. Your business can harness this capability to solve your product pain points by simply describing it to Attuna.

What are some examples use cases of Attuna?

Fraud detection, handling customer support requests, generating reports, keeping prospective customers engaged. Software ate the world, & AI is now eating software. This why you should embed AI tailored to your software through Attuna.

What does Attuna do to provide tailor made general intelligence?

Attuna uses the latest in Gen AI, LLMs, AI & Software Engineering under the hood to deliver you a delightful experience. We also open source some of our underlying technology to help move the field forward.

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+1 (858) 214 0710